25 February, 2007

Family Story

In class we discussed the importance of sharing family stories and passing them along. Some stories are very valuable, but without being told, they may be lost. We were to interview a family member for a family story.

When i was little, i always remember my father telling me stories of his childhood. None of them were very detailed but i found amusement in them even though i do not remember them today. One stood out to me as a funny story but meaningful at the same time. I valued the story as a lesson i was being taught but i openly received it.

"When i was a young boy, maybe your kindergarten or first grade, i learned not to skip or be late to school. Every morning we would have to show up to morning assembly at 8 :30, and then at 9:30 report to our classes. Everyone was expected to go to assembly, but nobody checked to see if you were there. I really did not enjoy it at all. I walked to school, and one day i decided to get ice cream instead. I waited around there and made it to class after morning assembly in perfect time. Nobody ever figured it out. But one day i was late, and had no excuse. My mother was called. When i got home that day, i had to confess everything to her. She was furious. The next morning, my mother walked me to school, holding my hand. She walked me into assembly, holding my hand and escorted me to my seat. i was wriggling and hiding my face it embarrassment. She did that for an entire week. The worst week of my life. After that one week i swore i would never skip school or be late ever again in fear she may do that. And i kept to it."

After re hearing this story i broke out in hysterical laughter, but i saw the lesson he learned. And when i was first told the story i took it to heart. I really value the impact this story had on me, and this story really is important and it is one that i feel should be passed on as a lesson to be learned.

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