28 February, 2007

Personal Essential Question # 6

Each cylce we are asked to respond in some way to our personal essential question. I believe this question helps us better understand an unanswerable question, to know the unknown. My "I do not know" or personal essential question is I do not know what others truely think or feel about me. From this question, I think I firstly need to better understand what I think of myself.

I am on the track pole vaulting team. This sport, or any in general can be very frustrating and they also take a lot of commitment. When I reflect upon my work, my effort, and my attitude in practice, it really aids me. It really reflects my personality, and how i feel. Self reflection and self analyzing are used in sports a lot, and i also use it for my own knowledge.

There are days when i will come early to practice, run extra, stay late, and take care of the poles and pit. Other days i will do what is required, or if i don't feel like a tuff workout, i will not go, unless it is crucial i do. If i am asked to do more, or simply told that it would benefit me, i put all effort in. Now when i think about it, i can see that when i am asked to do something, told to do something, or it is necessary to be done, i will do it. Then if there is extra work, it takes my own motivation. At times i am a very driven and motivated person and at other times i am not. I respect my work and others but i disregard the unnecessary work. I am hard working, driven, lazy, respectful, but not self motivated. I strive for perfection but naturally, i try to find the easiest way there.

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