01 May, 2007

Act 1 Scene 1&2

In class we listened to the audio version of A Mid summers night dream. We now are summarizing the scenes into our own forms.

Scene 1

Egeus, the father of Hermia goes to the ruler, Theseus, and presents him with the problem he has with his daughter. He wishes for her to marry Demetrius, but she is in love with Lysander who loves her back. She refuses to marry Demetrius and seeks every other option. She has to marry Demetrius, become a nun, or be put to her death. But to Hermia, anything is better than marrying Demetrius. When Theseus discusses private matters with Egeus and Demetrius, Lysander and Hermia are left alone. In this time they plot to flee the city, where the Athenian law does not bind Hermias marriage and she is free to wed Lysander. Helena joins Hermia and Lysander and is told of their plans. She is in love with demetrius but he wont love her back, only Hermia. When Hermia and Lysander leave, Helena plans to tell Demetrius of Hermia's plan so she can win his affection.

Scene 2

This scene is set when the actors for Theseus's wedding are getting their roles for their play. The actor, Bottom, has been assigned the role of Pyramus, who is Thisbe's lover. Bottom is not satisfied so when other roles are assigned, he wishes to have those roles as well. When Snug is assigned the role of a lion, Bottom wishes to be the lion. But Bottom in the end is only Pyramus and the actors depart.

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