28 March, 2007

Free Post #1

Spring Break

Week 1

I took an extra week off for spring break to accompany my parents on an annual business trip, but I'm not really writing about that week. The hotel i was staying at is a popular destination for celebrities, and each year i am there, a different group of them is there. When i was five, i went to the "Kids for all seasons" kids club, and ended up spending time with Demi Moores children, Scout, Rumor, and Tulula, and my mom spent time with her on that trip. This year when i was there, some of the guests included Paris Hilton, Justin Timberlake, Owen Wilson, Kirsten Dunst, Cameron Diaz's Sister, and Ice Cube (rapper).

I had no clue any of these people were at the hotel until one mornings breakfast. I was sitting around one of the many large round tables set up for the over-the-top breakfasts hosted by some of the sponsors of the trip. Across from me was the wife of BMW San Francisco dealer. She is a good friend of my family and loves to gossip, i think she is hysterical. So she is like "Ashley, have you gotten any pictures yet, you know who the celebs are that are here right? Alex(her son) and Kevin(his friend) went nuts when they saw ice cube."

I looked at her somewhat puzzled and told her i had no clue. But then it came to me and my dad said he had seen Paris Hilton. I checked in and was standing next to Paris Hilton the day i got there. And i went to dinner with my friend, and the huge table next to us was Kirsten Dunsts family and friends. It never even occurred to me that the young blond with over sized sunglasses, covered head to toe in designer apparel and surrounded by 5 or six extremely strong intimidating looking men was Paris Hilton. And my mother tells me the whole time on the trip that she spent with Demi Moore, she didn't know she was a celebrity. Ok so you may be thinking my family is just totally out of touch and doesn't know who anyone is, but it made me think something different.

in 7th grade, i remember a Damon speech that really stood out to me. The girl got up on stage, full of poise and confidence ready to persuade and convince the audience her speech was the best, but her message was true. She claimed people could name more celebrities than important politicians and people that make a difference in out world. And i believed her, and its so terribly true. But i guess it also made me think about how people are different, and how some value things differently, are more interested in certain things and just what people care about is different. I know that idea and connection of mine is quite a stretch, a BIG stretch with not much explanation, but i guess it makes more sense in my mind, but it really made an impact. Every day i see how different people truly are, from simple little things like 7th grade Damon speech and recognizing celebs, to learning the genetic possibility of someone else being the same as you in biology class.

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