28 March, 2007

personal essential question #10

Well we are supposed to make 5 total responses to our personal essential question by now, and i have to admit, its kind of a drag. With school, sports, family, and me time, i feel like its a burden to make a post. But I never truly stop to think that yeah, all of us have other things we would rather be doing, so why do we have to make this post. And thinking more into it, we are answering something along the lines of "who am i" which encompasses all aspects of our lives because that has an effect on it. I have mainly focused on understanding my thoughts and the thoughts of others of myself. So eventually i might ask someone and use that for understanding, but for now i will direction myself on my emotions. So to begin i am really not enjoying these posts due to the unreliability of blogger and my Internet. With taking a week off school, i felt a little disoriented when i came back and tried to get into the swing of things. I thought i was caught up with my work but just to be sure, i took a look at my blog and realized i needed more essential question responses. so with searching to see how many other people had, to composing this very post, my Internet has shut down 6 times, blogger has logged me out 4 times and Ive lost my work 3 times. The anger is just welling up. So hopefully next post when i focus on a different emotion, it will be much more cheerful, like happiness or excitement.

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