14 March, 2007

Personal Essential Question # 8

Well its seems like its been quite a while since i have done a response to my personal essential question. My original question was "what do others truly think of me" but Ive come to realize that to understand that, i want to know more about myself, and a major part of myself is my family and friends. Both are so important to me.

I am currently sitting on my balcony with my laptop, on my 7th floor hotel room in Maui. One week out of the year, i will travel to the outer islands with my parents, on a business trip. On this trip, the parents bring their children, some which i am very close friends with. I have known them for years, since i was 8. There are 3 of us, Carly, Megan, and myself, and usually Megan's little brother, Riley, comes along. To all the adults, we are known as the inseparable 3 and Riley because we spend every moment together. We all get along well, and pick up as if we saw each other the week before. They are some of my closest friends, distance has no boundaries on friendship.

As we grow older, things change, and this year its school. Megan and i have just started high school, and that makes for a lot of work. I still came but she didn't, therefore Riley stayed home as well this year. The group was split. Its just Carly and i, and things are so different. When Megan is there, things are quite lively and crazy, her presence really influences my outwardness. Without her, Carly and i are much more mellow. I find it quite interesting how much someone elses personality can affect your own, especially if the other person has a dominant personality.

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